Enjoy artificial intelligence with magical ArtChat

a platform that integrates advanced artificial intelligence technology. as well as various derivative products from ArtChat

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Everything you need to use your AI

A multitude of functions powered by top-tier global artificial intelligence. Language-based human-machine dialogue with large-scale models, machine rendering of images with powerful computing power, all you need to do is send instructions.


ArtChat 拥有超多语言大模型,比如国内领先的智普GML、通义千问、星火认知等,更有自研大模型等你体验!


官方内置超过 100 种预设角色,全部经过深度调教,让 AI 更加高效!官方也会对模型不断维护更新!






Better model training

Fine-tuning is to adjust only the top layer or a few layers of the model parameters, while keeping the parameters of the bottom layers unchanged.


The official built-in more than 100 preset characters, all of which have been deeply trained to make the AI more obedient and efficient!


Based on a pre-trained large-scale language model, further training is conducted using specific datasets to adapt the model to specific tasks or domains.
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Product screenshot


Better intelligent painting

Having the world's best Intel processors, with super artificial intelligence dedicated data centers as support. Processing billions of data per second!


The fully Chinese operating interface allows every beginner to start using it immediately!The charm of immersive experience in artificial intelligence.


We have dedicated large-scale models for drawing, continuously trained on common graphics, to make your rendering results more realistic.

More powerful picture rendering

We have a wealth of AI training cases and operation documents, allowing you to quickly master the skills of prompts and draw the picture you want!

“No matter what you choose, always strive to create something and surround yourself with intelligent people.You will take a step further towards success.”

Sam Altman
CEO of OpenAI